Snowflake Names NCS a Leader in Measurement and Activation

    Jeff Doherty holding Snowflake and NCSolutions sign

    Cue the Snowflakes…Confetti… We’re Celebrating! 

    By: Jeff Doherty, Chief Operating Officer

    Are those… snowflakes falling on us…like confetti? In September?

    Snow, this time of year, might seem strange, but not when a partner like Snowflake crystalizes the importance of NCS purchase-based insights to your joint customers. In its new report, the data cloud company named NCS a leader in measurement and attribution.  

    That’s pretty exciting, particularly for the consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands who leverage our insights on Snowflake Data Cloud to conduct a deep analysis of their data and who use it to target, optimize and measure campaign outcomes. 

    Earlier this year, we asked brand marketers what factors drive their clean room strategies. They’re crystal clear about the top drivers: 56% said it was the desire for in-depth analytics, and 54% cited the ability to measure campaign results.

    To conduct that deep analysis, CPG brand marketers need quality insights. They can improve advertising effectiveness faster with a turnkey solution, like NCS CPG Insights Stream. This new service is designed to fuel clean rooms or other data environments with privacy-safe, ready-to-use CPG buyer insights.

    Snowflake’s Data Cloud is a powerful, flexible and fully managed cloud data platform, and paired with NCS purchase-based insights, brand marketers have a powerful engine for improving advertising effectiveness. 

    In the new report, titled Modern Marketing Data Stack 2023: How Data-Forward Marketers Are Redefining Strategies to Unify, Analyze and Activate Data to Boost Revenue, Snowflake identified the best-of-breed solutions used by its customers in 10 technology categories that comprise the modern marketing data stack. 

    “The need to conduct deep analysis is a top driver of CPG brand marketers’ clean room strategies, but marketers need quality insights to make this possible. Our recognition as a leader in Snowflake’s 2023 Modern Marketing Data Stack report is proof brands will advance analytics goals faster when they have access to ready-to-use buying household intelligence, ” said Jeff Doherty, chief operating officer of NCSolutions. “Alongside Snowflake’s Data Cloud—a powerful, flexible and fully managed cloud data platform—our customers are able to conduct advanced analytics, drive more effective marketing approaches, and develop new growth strategies.”

    Jeff Doherty Quote About NCS and Snowflake Collaboration

    A key advantage of the Snowflake Data Cloud is that it allows brand marketers to operate with the full breadth of their data. NCS was named a leader because we provide a turnkey solution that enables Snowflake clients to enrich their data with refined, comprehensive CPG buying insights. By leveraging this combination, CPG brands can move faster to conduct deep analysis and improve advertising effectiveness. No wonder it’s snowing confetti in September.

    Our recognition as a leader in Snowflake’s 2023 Modern Marketing Data Stack report proves the value of access to ready-to-use buying household intelligence. We’re looking forward to working with Snowflake and helping CPG brands advance their analytics goals faster.

    Read the full report. 

    Interested in learning more about NCSolutions and its partnership with Snowflake?


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