By NCS Marketing
Have you felt unmotivated or exhausted over the pandemic? It might be a pandemic hangover. You’re not alone. Out of 1,501 U.S employees in 2021, nearly three in five of them reported COVID burnout symptoms, including but not limited to lack of interest, energy, or motivation. (APA, 2022)
It’s no surprise that Americans needed a pick-me-up, so we started buying more caffeine. Beverages like bottled/canned coffee were the fastest-growing beverage in 2021 year-over-year. They were followed by sports drinks (+15%), bottled tea (+14%), and energy drinks (+8%) – greater than the average 4% growth rate across all beverages.
Consumers' need for a major energy boost since 2020, led to an increase in spending per trip to the store. The energy drink category grew significantly faster when comparing February 2021 to February 2022.

What does this mean for marketers? Find the right audience
Over the pandemic many turned to baking bread, gardening, completing a puzzle, or video gaming to fill the slow pandemic days. Did you know 80% of gamers ate and drank while gaming in 2020? (NewZoo, 2020) And nearly a whopping 40% of gamers drank over one can of energy drinks per week in 2021. (NutrionInsight, 2021) Your energy drink audience could be hanging out on Xbox Live.
How NCSolutions can help
Consumers might be swapping out energy drinks for other beverages. We can help you build an audience that will help your advertising campaigns reach these thirsty buyers.
Schedule a meeting with an NCS team member to learn how we can help you reach the right buyers and grow your sales.